Maximilian Uibeleisen

Maximilian Uibeleisen

Partnerbased inFrankfurt

Maximilian Uibeleisen

Dr. Maximilian Uibeleisen is a partner and member of our global Projects and Energy Transition team

Maximilian Uibeleisen is in charge of our German energy transition practice. He focuses on advising strategic and financial investors with regard to the implementation as well as the acquisition and sale of energy and infrastructure assets.

Max has particular experience in the renewable energy sector, where he has advised for more than 15 years on a large number of project developments and transactions relating to all different kinds of renewables facilities (including offshore and onshore wind, solar, biomass, geothermal). He works on a broad range of topics in relation to the energy transition, including green hydrogen and battery storage, and he helps his clients in meeting their net zero targets.

Next to this work in the energy sector, Max frequently advises in other infrastructure sectors, including in the German motorway PPP sector, the chemicals sector and in relation to digital infrastructure assets.

Max studied law at the universities of Tübingen, Münster and Berlin (Dr. iur.) and holds a master degree (LL.M.) from Nottingham Trent University. He was admitted to the German bar in 2006. He is the author of various German and international publications and is co-author of one of the leading German commentaries on energy law.