
Ashurst publish First Women centenary publication

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    2019 marked 100 years since the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919 received royal assent, which for the first time permitted women to practise law in the United Kingdom. Prior to this date only a "person" could practise law. In 1914, the Court of Appeal had confirmed, in the case of Bebb v the Law Society, that "person" did not include women.

    To mark this significant milestone, the Ashurst First Women project team have produced a publication: "First Women: Stories of Women at Ashurst". The publication has been written to reflect on the firm's socially progressive foundations (embedded in the stories and writings of its founder William Ashurst, and his daughters and granddaughters), celebrate the achievements of the first generations of female lawyers at Ashurst, and contemplate what the next 100 years might hold for women in law.

    展示采访许多鼓舞人心的女人n including Ashurst's first female articled clerk (trainee solicitor), first three female partners, as well as current leaders and future joiners, we hope that you enjoy reading this unique publication which has been commissioned and written especially for the occasion.

    "I recognise there is still much to do to achieve genuine equality in the profession, but I believe we have made great progress. I also take tremendous encouragement from reading the stories of some of the women who have joined the profession and the firm more recently." – Ben Tidswell, Chairman.

    "First Women: Stories of Women at Ashurst" can be downloaded below the video.

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