Xiaozheng Ko

Xiaozheng Ko

Director, Ashurst ADTLawbased inSingapore

Xiaozheng Ko

Xiaozheng Ko is a director in the corporate practice at Ashurst ADTLaw*

Xiaozheng focuses on private equity transactions, specialising in cross-border mergers and acquisitions and joint ventures in Asia.

Xiaozheng has extensive experience acting for private equity funds and corporates on transactions throughout Southeast Asia across various industry sectors, including real estate, financial services, digital economy and projects and infrastructure.

Before joining Ashurst ADTLaw, Xiaozheng was a partner at a leading Southeast Asia-based law firm. He also has experience working in Myanmar and Hong Kong.

*Ashurst ADTLaw is a Formal Law Alliance in Singapore between Ashurst LLP and ADTLaw LLC.